Thursday, September 11, 2008

...a better day...

Just a really quick post right now as I have to get ready to head out to a friend's going away party. I've worked with her for the past 2 years or so and she's getting transferred to a different part of her agency. I'll still see her sometimes but won't be working with her anymore. Of course I'm feeling rushed as I went and joined the local Pipe & Drum band last week (I've been wanting to learn to play the pipes for years and now I finally have the chance!!) and of course practices are on Thursday nights. So I'm running out to my friend's party and then heading over to my first P&D practice. Fun stuff.

The baby kept us up for sometime last night... she awoke around 10:30pm for a feeding and didn't go down till 1am!! Insane! Then she was up again at 5am (thank goodness for the 4hr break!) and kept me up till 7am! I have no idea why she's so wide awake. She was quite fussy at the midnight awake period and we tried everything and ended up having to give her some gripe water and she was still awake for 45min after the fact. She wasn't fussy at her feeding at dawn but she did not want to go back to sleep at all. I'm thinking she might have her internal clock confused or something. So now comes the challenge of getting her back on schedule. The reason I'm thinking this is because she's slept for most of the day to this point... I've tried keeping her up after a feeding during the day and playing with her and she just passes right out, back to dreamland. Ugh.

We had our 4wk MW appointment yesterday. Baby is 8lb 8oz and completely healthy. The MW figures she's just being fussy because of a growth spurt. She did recommend the gripe water (sans alcohol) for gas but other than that... it's just letting her do her thing which can include keeping mommy and daddy up for quite some time. Oh well. They're only young once right?

And John was a total sweetheart today and let me sleep in after I went back to bed at 7am or so. I slept till 11am and was woken to breakfast in bed! This is why I love my husband!! :D

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